Yes,there are gonna be some changes over here!I love blogging,i really do...It doesn't look like it,i know but i can tell you i really do.For a long time this blog was mainly about scrapbooking.But since this blog is named Today's Mommy and it's about me,why not share all my other stuff here?(You know like anyone else does...)Like for an example,i love shopping.Especially thrifting...But somehow i don't share much about it on my blog.Why not??So i decided to start making some changes and pick up the blogging again.Big time now,since i miss it!Maybe i even switch over to typepad?Not sure about that though...
This weekend we had a big fleamarket in the city here,called the May market.My favorite event here in Tilburg,The Netherlands.It's huge and starts around 08.00PM on Saturday and ends on 05.00PM the next day.We alway's have so many fun finds.I will make some pictures tomorrow and share them with you.

But for now i would love to share with you my new bracelet.There is a story behind it...I googled something about fashion and stumbled upon a photoshoot of 2 famous models.Then i googled the photoshoot and found a blog from girl who is crazy about fashion.She had a random post of inspiration,including a picture of a girl wearing the most beautiful bracelet.I love fashion,i really do but i don't often feel like i need to have something.I just admire it,and think wow that is so cool and that's about it.But THIS bracelet,triggered something inside me.So i wanted to know who the girl in the picture was and where i could buy that beautiful bracelet.I emailed the girl and asked her.So after she linked me to the girl's blog and the post about her outfit wearing the bracelet,i found out where i could buy the bracelet.It's from
Bimba and Lola,a Spanish designer store and they have the most amazing stuff!Unfortunately the bracelet could only be paid for with a credit card,which i don't have.So i went looking online searching for a store that i could buy the bracelet using Paypal.NOTHING!Nowhere...So i went looking on Ebay,i looked in England,America,Spain,Holland,Germany and eventually France.And there it was!No jewellery what so every from Bimba and Lola,ONLY my most wanted Starfish Bracelet.It felt like it was meant to be...Can't wait to recieve it!!
Here are some outfits with the bracelet.

Song of Style
I also went Nailpolish shopping,since there was this deal at the drugstore here.But 1 and get 1 for free!And since the lovely colors from Essence are only around 1,30/1,70 and the colors from Catrice and NYC were around 2,50/2,99,i had to buy a few colors.Just a few... :) I will share soon.
xoxo Fauve