We left friday night around 4 AM (European time) and arrived in Paris around 10 AM.The trip went well!Both kids behaved great and slept most of the time.We first went to the Carrefour and did some shopping.Seriously,i have no idea how these French people get to stay so thin with all of that yummy food!After that we went to the hotel and checked in.Around 12 AM it was time...We were off to Disneyland Paris!!The weather was nice,no sun but not cold.My mom bought me a passport and i am SO happy with it! :) When we entered the park we saw a train parade with all kinds of Disney characters,including Julian's hero Captain Hook.He cried his longs out when the captain left with the train.It was sad but also kinda funny LOL We first went to the castle from Sleeping Beauty and lookd at the dragon.Julian is a big fan of the dragon and the prince from Sleeping Beauty so he was pretty excited about seeying the dragon.After that we saw the sword in the stone,and ofcourse Julian had to try...

He went on the carrousel with grandma(thank god!!) and picked out a horse.No suprise there.No idea why he likes horses so much,I think they're scary LOL At 4 PM it was time for the Once upon a dream parade.

We had a great spot and Julian was sooo impressed by it all.Really cute to see!!And ofcourse the big Hero Hook was there too.He even got a handshake from a pirate and a big ribbon from the "treassure".Unfortunately Captain Hook was too far away for a handshake and you could see from Julian's face he was kinda dissapointed.We went to the boat from Captain Hook which as sooo boring Ha!But ofcourse our pirate fan totally loved it.We were all exhausted,so after we ate something we went to the hotel.We were all a sleep around 8.30 PM!!Next day we woke up early (suprise!!),ate some breakfast and checked out.Today we were going to the "new" park Walt Disney Studios and i was really curious since i had never been there before.The weather was REALLY beautiful,we were walking without our coats on...And it's still February!I thought the park was kinda cute,but not all that if you are used to the "real thing".It has many rollercoasters,so we couldn't go in there.I loved the Monsters Inc scene where you could take pictures with Mike.

Julian and me went into the Cars attraction and it was great!Julian had a blast,that's for sure!While we were walking we spotted a big pair of black ears.Yes it was Mickey Mouse and ofcourse we needed a picture!I liked the kiss on the cheek so much,i'm eally glad i captured that.Next to it we found a rat from the new movie Ratetouille(Hope i spelled that right LOL),so ofcourse more pictures...Right before we wanted to leave the park,we saw a large group of people standing...It was Stitch,so i grabbed Julian and took a run for it!I'm good in pushing people so my turn came up quickly :D And suprise suprise,Lilo was standing next to him!So a little bit more pushing and some more pictures...Haha you must think i'm sort kind of witch now,well i am!So after that we went back to the "normal" Disney park and guess what?My battery went dead,so no more pictures for me!I said to my mom i didn't really care as long as we don't see Captain Hook.We wanted to do Pirates of the caribbean but it was sooo busy we decided not to.Then i spotted something.Ow no,is that what i think it is?Ofcourse...Yes MR.Captain Hook was standing right in front of us.I couldn't believe it!We were in Disney for two days and my battery went dead only 15 minutes ago!I had to try and make a picture!So we took another run of it and made a picture with "the Hero"!!

Julian was totally overwhelmed and it was just amazing.He was talking about him 24/7 and now he was standing next to him.He shaked hands and just kept staring at him.I wanted to take a picture of him with Peter Pan too so we stand in line ofcourse.When two big girls came up,peter pushed them a side and said he was here for the little children.Then he pulled Julian next to him and smiled.My kind of Peter Pan :D Ofcourse i did my homework by smiling at Peter Pan before we were standing in line...We decided to do some shopping and then take our way back home.It was a fabulous weekend and can't wait to go back!
I made a layout a couple of weeks ago about our Disney in April last year.Sorry,terrible picture though...

I'm getting pretty excited about my weekend at Scrap-a-licious!Are you going?Happy Scrapping!