Okay so it has been a while since i did some "personal" scrapbooking,just for me.I used to love playing with challenges and i really miss it sometimes.I decided to play along with the Pencil Lines July challenge.This is my result!I like how this style looks with my paparazzi pictures from my boyfriend.Love stalking people :)This is the sketch i used.I also did a Shabby article for the upcoming CMF,using everything Prima.(Sigh,how i LOVE Prima)Here are some sneaks.Sorry for the horrible look of these,i had to cut sneaks from my layout pictures.Since my mother's High Tea party i am totally into collecting my own High Tea stuff.I already had some etagieres and stuff,but i wan't MOREEEE.I also want some different china/porcelin plates and and and and :) Happy Scrapping!
My mom really outdid herself again.She organized the most wonderful high tea b-day ever!It was totally Marie antoinette inspired and i loved loved loved every single detail.Like the shoe made of chocolate.And the beautiful cake which had the PERFECT color grey/blue.My mom had been busy for months and you could tell.Glad everyone had a great time. The next day (after the mail man came and my mom had to pay tax for something...)she told me she had another suprise.Something she started organizing back in February...She bought the most beautiful Marie Antoinette dress by Show Belles Costumes and Clothes.It is completely handmade for me and fits perfectly.It really is a dream come true for me,because i have alway's wanted a dress like this.I seriously can't wait to do a photoshoot with it!Besides the beautiful dress,my mom also got me the Marie Antoinette panniers.Sooo cool!And don't forget the perfectly matching necklace,earrings and shoe's.We had to watch Marie-Antoinette that afternoon drinking champagne,fun!After that we did my hair and put on the dress to show Jack and my dad.They loved it!Still can't believe it...Pffff mom youre the very best!Love you xoxoMy brother and his girlfriend got me this cute dress/top.I picked it out myself :)
It just screams Paris,i so need to wear it when i am going to Laduree's with my mom!
Okay so that's it for now,i will be back soon.Love Fauve
Yes...it was me again.I havn't blogged in a million years.Atleast that's how it feels!First of all i hurt my wrist,so i had to take some rest.Then i was so busy with deadlines and kids,that i had no energy left for anything else.Ow,and let'snot forget my little home make over.Fun!
First of all i wan't to thank everyone who voted for me as a Pencil Lines March favorite!I was really supprised to found out i won.This was my layout;