Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sorting out my stuff

No new layouts to show because i am busy with sorting out all my scrapbooking stuff.My room went from "a beautiful mess" to a huge mess,so it was time for a make-over.So i started with Julian his layouts and put them all in albums.I didn't know i had so many layouts of Julian...

So when i was sorting out his layouts i saw a lot of old pages i totally forgot,including my first spread.My style has really changed since then but still you can see some similarity.I love to stitch on my pages,although it's been a while since my sewing machine is at my mom's house...

Ofcourse my first spread is really simple and ugly,but that's why i had to show it to you.I really cherish it because i think it's really special i am still scrapbooking after so long.I have never had this with any other craft.I would love to see your first layout!So if you have a link,please share it :D

Will be back soon with some new layouts and a cool RAK!!So be sure to check it out...

P.S.Does anyone know how i can link a picture in my sidebar??


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

Great to see your first layouts!
Mine first layouts are unfindable (sure) because I'll think I am going to faint when I see them!
And I also have those periods to clear out my scrap room. Mostly it will take days!


Janine Langer said...

Sorry, can't help you with the sidebar, but I so love the album about your little one!

Thanks for showing your first layouts, very interesting to see! Wish you a great day. :)

~Nancy~ said...

Oh wow.. I'm totally having the same problem..I have a biiiig pile of layouts that need to be put in albums.. grr!! Love your first layout..

So funny to see your first spread here.. hehe.. I think my first layouts are a little similar to yours.. hehe.. Don't have them posted anywhere (thank god.. haha).

And uhm.. It's really easy to upload a pic in your sidebar... (At least that's in my blogger-version.. ) Just let me know if I can help you!


Emine_Pala_Art said...

THat spread is very cute Fauve...
MMM I need to post my very first layout one day on my blog.. You will LAUGH LOL


Je@net said...

Oooh, it's so sweet to see your first lay-out!!
Don't know where I've left mine....have to take a look this week! When I find it I will post it on my blog ;-)

Mika said...

Nice to see your first lo. can't help with the sidebar.
Have a great week.

LuzinhaFolch said...

Hi hun!!!
Wow your first LO rocks and still trendy,look look felt flowers!Super cool,I try to find one of my first ones...I know I have it somewhere...LOL
And you little teaser...I want to see the sneaks!hahaha
Hugs sweetie!

scraptime said...

Wow, so many Layouts - I put them in an album right after scrapping.

My son's called Julian too :o)

Here's a link to my first Layout


Evelien said...

Can't help you with the sidebar. I have the same problem too. Can you keep us updated on how to do it!

Cute to see your first spread. My style has changed a lot too, but it's nice to see one's style growing.
All those layouts must make a great album together!

rev said...

that lo is priceless. my first lo's aren't even scanned or pictures of. i should do that :)
how's the little one??

Rachael said...

I love seeing first layouts!! It's so fun to see the progression!!

Charin Adams said...

Your first pages were great!! :)
I am afraid to show mine! ha ha

Jackie said...

met HTML code kan je van alles in je sidebar zetten...

Enne, je eerste lo, kaal vergeleken met wat je nu doet..
enne mijn eerste lo, hahhaa die is vreselijk

Daffie Online said...

If you already switched to the "not so new anymore" blogger version then it is really easy to upload a picture there.

If not you have to save a picture to a flickr or yahoo account, then use some html code to paste it in to your sidebar...

Trust me...switching to the new blogger layout is easier in the long run!

Silvitanova said...

LOL. That first LO is so sweet. Good idea, I'm also going to post my first (realy horrible) page next week.