Vacation was fun,but sjeeeeeeez my boy's were so HYPER!!Even when i went outside with them,playing on the playground for hours...But what do you expect when you have 2 pirates?
Besides "just chillin" this vacation,i totally took over my mom's baking hype.Ofcourse cupcakes are my fave,just because they are so yummy!Here are the chocolate cocos ones that were delicious.Atleast my brother and neighbours thought so.
I have to say that scones are high on the fave list too.Ofcourse you need to serve it with some Clotted Cream and Jelly.Although Julian thinks i could just skip the Clotted Cream and just serve it with Jelly. ;)
On request for my neighbour i also made a Chocolate Strawberry cake.It was my firs cake and ofcourse i didn't use a recipe or anything.Why?Well simply because i am really stubborn.Haha Next time i have to add some cream to the chocolate so it won't break when you cut the cake.Lesson learned...But looking at it in the end,i must say that i think it looks pretty cool for a first cake.Especially for someone who couldn't bake ANYTHING!
For the pathetic Cooks like me,i have to recommend recipes from this lovely lady.Nigella Lawson makes cooking fun and sexy!Her cooking program is so much fun to watch and her recipes are not complicated at all.Especially if you like quick cooking,she is the one for you!My mom found this cool Sushi cake on google the other day.At first i thought the idea was kinda growse...But when you get rid of the idea from the combination of real cake and Sushi together,i must admit that this idea is way cool.
My brother came to visit me for a few day's which was really fun!We played games,did water fights with the kids,ate a lot!! and more crazy stuff.I also squeezed in this layout.When school starts a finally have some more time to scrapbook more,yay!For this layout is used SausanDesigns paper and hybrid stuff.Her stuff is awesome,if you havn't seen it be sure to check it out!
This project by Jeongmee Yoon is awesome if you ask me.She did one for boy's and one for girls.
OH.MY... that's a lot of sweet stuff Fauve! LOVE the look of that chocolate cake... you had a good time eating all those sugar-things too?!!! Yes, that "boy/girl-pink/blue" project is awesome, I read about it and seen pics. It's inspiring! Love your layout and hope to see more soon...!
Love the lay-out! Your boys are Cute! Hope they like first week of school!
Wowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! LOTS of AWESOME things in here!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEee those pirates, the SUSHI cake looks VERY COOL....and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your LO and the one your friend made!!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ben blij dat je keuken eindelijk meer wordt dan een plaats waar je take-away food uitpakt :-) Miste ons jam-project bij al je activiteiten. Maar misschien ben ik nog wel trotser op je dan jijzelf? xxx,mamz
ze zien er lekker uit ! Ik ben ook weer veel aan het experimenteren. BTW wat is jouw recept voor scones ? Moet ze ook maken nl. en heb wel een paar recepten maarja ..... Oh en de clotted cream is die zelfgemaakt of heb je die kant en klaar gekocht ? Heb 13 september een high tea nl.
Wow wow wow! Love all the yummies! And your page is adorable too. Looks like you've been up to a great summer.
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