I def. need all of you to help me with my blogger problems!I wan't to update,but i just can't get myself to do it...Make sense huh?NO,i know!LOL
I need all the encouraging there is.So this call is for all those people that read my blog but don't leave me a message.Which is fine,but now i DO wan't you to leave me a message.Just HI is enough :)
I know there are some of you out there who do that.Since everytime i go to a crop (Or something like that)people are telling me they read my blog.And i don't know them because they don't leave me a message,Ha!You can't believe how honored and happy i am,that so many people read my blog!Well it makes me beyond excited,i can tell you that! :)
Sooo to make this even more fun...I'm gonna give something away.Don't be shy!I don't care if you have been reading my blog for over 6 months and never left a comment...Just say HI,i prommise i won't bite.(hard :D)It would make me really Happy!
Okay that's enough Happy me for today,let's go on with scrapbooking!!I've done some scrapbooking for me,yay!Eventhough it's really,REALLY hot here in The Netherlands!Pfff i so can't handle it LOL
I made this layout for the OLW Today.Just a happy page :) I used the fantastic rainbow paper and cut-out printables from
Marieke.Aren't they to die for?WOW,somebody should ask her to make it in 12x12 scrapbooking paper.It looks so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
I did a fun photoswap with funky Karin A.K.A.
Mexx.This girls always have the coolest rockabilly pictures.Totally envy her for that :) Hope you like it hun!

And i made a layout for my friend
Lucy a while ago.The title is faerie-ality and faerie is fairy in irish.So the title means "fairy reality",but this way it's more fun.At least i think so :)
(Okay you totally must think i'm a wacko now...That's okay,because i am!)Journaling says:the prettiest fairy ever.I know she likes fairy's,that's why i used the fairy topic.
So besides scrapbooking i'm not really creative...Still hoping to do some sewing classes some day!I think it would be so much fun to make my own bags and stuff!I have a huge weakness for verry cute (children)fabrics.And i have been searching for almost a year for a pink fabric with cute whales and rainbows on it!The good news is,i finally found it!So so so happy with it.Not sure what i'm going to make from it since it's kinda busy and it's flannel,but who cares.Any ideas are welcome though...
Every year my family and me are going to the May market.It's a big flea market where everyone sell's their old crap LOL I am addicted to it and i'm sooo looking forward to this upcoming weekend.Any idea's what to search for??
They May vacation is almost over here and that is such a relief!Finally Julian goes back to pre-school.Sjeez,this kid really needs it!He enjoy's his pre-school so much,he would sleep there if he could.Starting next week,he will go 3 day's instead of 2.Lucky me :)
Okay off to see a yummy Brad Pitt movie.I'm verry curious about the comment's,don't disappoint me. :D Happy Scrapping!