I need all the encouraging there is.So this call is for all those people that read my blog but don't leave me a message.Which is fine,but now i DO wan't you to leave me a message.Just HI is enough :)
I know there are some of you out there who do that.Since everytime i go to a crop (Or something like that)people are telling me they read my blog.And i don't know them because they don't leave me a message,Ha!You can't believe how honored and happy i am,that so many people read my blog!Well it makes me beyond excited,i can tell you that! :)
Sooo to make this even more fun...I'm gonna give something away.Don't be shy!I don't care if you have been reading my blog for over 6 months and never left a comment...Just say HI,i prommise i won't bite.(hard :D)It would make me really Happy!
Okay that's enough Happy me for today,let's go on with scrapbooking!!I've done some scrapbooking for me,yay!Eventhough it's really,REALLY hot here in The Netherlands!Pfff i so can't handle it LOL
I made this layout for the OLW Today.Just a happy page :) I used the fantastic rainbow paper and cut-out printables from Marieke.Aren't they to die for?WOW,somebody should ask her to make it in 12x12 scrapbooking paper.It looks so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

I did a fun photoswap with funky Karin A.K.A. Mexx.This girls always have the coolest rockabilly pictures.Totally envy her for that :) Hope you like it hun!

(Okay you totally must think i'm a wacko now...That's okay,because i am!)Journaling says:the prettiest fairy ever.I know she likes fairy's,that's why i used the fairy topic.

So besides scrapbooking i'm not really creative...Still hoping to do some sewing classes some day!I think it would be so much fun to make my own bags and stuff!I have a huge weakness for verry cute (children)fabrics.And i have been searching for almost a year for a pink fabric with cute whales and rainbows on it!The good news is,i finally found it!So so so happy with it.Not sure what i'm going to make from it since it's kinda busy and it's flannel,but who cares.Any ideas are welcome though...

Every year my family and me are going to the May market.It's a big flea market where everyone sell's their old crap LOL I am addicted to it and i'm sooo looking forward to this upcoming weekend.Any idea's what to search for??
They May vacation is almost over here and that is such a relief!Finally Julian goes back to pre-school.Sjeez,this kid really needs it!He enjoy's his pre-school so much,he would sleep there if he could.Starting next week,he will go 3 day's instead of 2.Lucky me :)
Okay off to see a yummy Brad Pitt movie.I'm verry curious about the comment's,don't disappoint me. :D Happy Scrapping!
here is your first comment :) you are on my bloglines, girl, so when you update - i read.
{hug} Nili:)
Hi, I found your blog recently and I like the stuff you make.
Groetjes Gerjon
Hi Fauve, still reading your blog girlie, but not leaving comments very often... But with such a request, how can I not leave a comment??
So keep blogging!!!
Hope you are doing alright? Haven't seen you in quit some time.
Here is a comment too.. Read your blog awhile now.. never said HI.. sorry.. than I saw you at a workshop from Lucy at SDJZ.. and it was nice to see someone who's blog you always read.. while try to post a comment more often !!
Great layouts again sweetie!!
guilty :) I am usually too busy too leave comments on most of the blogs I read , but I do read them :)
hihihi...ik lees ook altijd je blog hoor, maar reageer meestal ook, ben benieuwd wie er alemaal reageren gaan! LOL! je hebt weer super leuke dingen gemaakt hoor! you roch girl! fijne week! groetjes marije.
*Hi* :D
You know I read your blog like everyday.... You dont update enough girl (look who's talking, the slowest blogger ever) But I love to use your blog as link page :D
So Blog on!
Cool LO's as usual!! :) It's hot here too, summer is coming! Nice!
It's really hard to update all the time, read the other blogs, update gallerys etc etc, I understand completely if you do it rarely with kids and all!
Have a nice week!
Hi Fauve,
I pop in when I can :-) I hope all is well there!
Megan xx
Love the layouts! so bright and fun as always!
Glad you updated ;)
LOOOOOVE The pages, yum!
Hier ben ik ook weer, lees altijd graag je blog maar dat weet je?! :D
Super weer wat je allemaal hebt gemaakt!
Fijne dag vandaag!!
Hi Fauve,
sinds het Scrapalicious weekeind spiek ik ook regelmatig op je Blog.
Vind je werk altijd erg vrolijk en kleurrijk... super om naar te kijken.
Je nieuwe Lo-tjes zijn ook weer jummie jummie.
Keep up the good work...
Groetjes chantal
hi sweatheart your lo are awesome, and that fabric, i am jealous i wanne have it to!!!! And also thanks for your sweet words of me , i love to hear from people how they see me , because it gives me positieve energy. Well i read your blog a lot but sometimes forget to write down a comment so here it is... i know i am also a bad blogger and i am going to pimnp my blog later this week if i had time to do it , love you and have a nice flea market going
Ik heb je ook op bloglines dusseh..zodra je update dan neem ik meteen even een kijkje op je bloggie :-)
I have your blog on my Google Reader.. but I never comment :/ so sorry for that! Just wanted to let you know that I looooove everything you do :D
Hi Fauve,
Ik ben ook schuldig aan het wel lezen en niets achter laten. Vond het leuk je te ontmoeten op de Siscrop.
Je layouts zien er weer super leuk uit.
groetjes, marije
Great layouts again, Fauve!
HAve a wonderful week!
Great layouts you made. Love what you did with prints from Marieke!!!
It sure is hot here in the Netherlands, but I'm sure enjoying it!
Oh, and I love reading your blog, so keep posting, girlie!!!
LOVE the new layouts!!! They are just so cute!
And for the fabric... I think you should make a tote bag from it. I could really see it as a tote! (Even if it is flannel.)
Keep up the blogging! I love reading your blog and eye-ing new layouts.
These are AMAZING creations...LOVE everything you do! xoxo
Loves to you sweets!
Hey Fauve,
I just started reading your blog recently, not too long ago I joined SIStv and stumbled upon your work there. Your face looked familiar, and I found out that I have seen your layouts before in the Dutch Scrapbookmagazines...:)
So keep posting, and I promies to keep reading and being inspired by your fun work!!!
Knuf Mandy
hoi hoi!!
heb je blog pas vorige week voor het eerst gelezen, maar vind je stijl geweldig!!
Super cute layouts, as per usual!
Just found out your blog recently and this is my first post....but I will do it more often cause I really love your work (I was sitting at the other end of the table during the last SiS crop ;-)
Hi sweetie,
WAAUUWW, all your layouts are STUNNING!! AS always!! You use such great colors and details!!!
I really love what you did with the printables! You made my day!!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Love the layouts! so fun as always!
Hi Fauve
I still love ya !!!
Even asked to do a LOL with my stamp !!! Because u rule and I love ur stuff..
r u feeling the love !!!
Dont worry Im the same >>>
People come on >>but no comment
U need to FEEL the love sometimes!
Did u get the stamp yet???
Yah!!! Im soo happy they came!!!
Big smile on my face right now !!
hugs Ang
I will say HI!!!
Hello missy, hope you are okay. I am lub, lub, lubbing the recent eye candy, you are rocking those supplies again girl.
Schuldig...Hihi...Ik lees sinds kort je blog pas, maar kende je koppie al wel...Uit de scrapmagazines...
Ik kwam werk van je tegen in de SIStv gallery en zodoende vond ik je blog. :)
Blijf vooral posten, en me inspireren met je vrolijke werk!!!
well... as you deserve a comment this time, i d like to make you feel even happier, cause, dont know if you realize that, but many,really many people visit you blog everyday and aaaall across the world... as me for example, here in Brazil...
so, be very happy, cause we are also happy for having all the greats los you post for us here...
"Beijinho" from brazil, Cris :)
Hey sweet girl! :) You know I read your blog (and comment) all the time, love your blog!
The new pages are cute as always!
Hi girl, most of the time I leave a comment. Sometimes I read, don't post but come back later when I have more time. BTW great new layouts and a verrrry belated birthday greeting to your big boy.
you know me, silly ;p
via marieke der blog kwam ik hier terecht omdat ik je super leuke lay-out met de regenbogen zag... dus ik dacht dan zeg ik ook even Hi.. Dus bij deze Hi, ik hoop dat ik je er mee geholpen heb haha...
zwaai zwaai Kim
gotcha on bloglines ;) Fun layouts so happy !
Hello you!
I love your blog.... please, don't stop posting...
You are an inspiration!
Have a good one!
The May Market sounds so fun!
I read, you are bookmarked.
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog... I dont think anyone reads mine either!
i read it!! I just wasnt around for awhile cause i moved. i looove your new pages!
Hi, I just finally made it over to your blog. I friended you on Flickr (onesmallflicker) but have beenlazy with reading up on blogs. I'm awful.
ANyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff!
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